Bank Routing Transit Number. Finding Your Bank Routing Transit Numbers Shouldn't Be Hard. A routing transit number is a nine-digit number used to identify a bank or financial institution when clearing funds or processing checks.
The Routing Number consists of the nine digits located ... (Charlie Duncan)
A bank/transit number identifies your bank so when an institution receives a check it knows the institution to which it belongs. Most common transaction types where routing numbers are used are ACH and wire transfers. The routing transit number used to work a little like a postcode/ zip code when banks were sorting paper checks in their offices.
Some banks and credit unions may have multiple routing.
Most of us will notice it from the bottom left corner of our checks.
How to find the routing number for a Chase bank account in ...
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The identifying information is used to route the funds to the proper location. A routing transit number comes in the form of a nine-digit number that usually precedes the account number found at. This code identifies your financial institution and it can differ depending on where you opened your account and the type of transaction you make.